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Commercial coffee machine excellence: How to clean and maintain your coffee machine

Published on: Oct 31, 2023

When it comes to ensuring the longevity and performance of your commercial coffee machine, a stitch in time truly does save nine. Your coffee equipment is a lucrative business investment, and just like any good investment, it requires care and attention to ensure its continued value.

In this guide, we will uncover the best practices for coffee machine cleaning and maintenance. We’ll walk you through the essential steps and regular routine checks and cleaning schedules required to ensure your machine is always at its best.

Proper maintenance doesn’t just prevent breakdowns; it ensures every cup of Joe your machine produces is of the highest quality and remains consistently so. We’ve got a lot to cover in this guide, so pour yourself a fresh cup and get comfy as we walk you through the best practices for coffee machine cleaning and maintenance.

The importance of daily cleaning

Making hygiene and daily cleaning a priority within your daily operations is not just a health and safety issue, it’s a legal requirement. It's an essential step to ensuring the health and safety of your customers, prolonging the life of your machine, and maintaining the integrity of every cup of coffee you serve. Let’s delve into why this is:

Keeping customers safe

Maintaining a clean and hygienic commercial coffee machine is fundamental to protecting the health and safety of your customers, mitigating legal and financial risks, and maintaining the reputation of your business.

Old coffee oils, milk residues, and other contaminants can harbour harmful bacteria that may pose potential health risks. Implementing rigorous daily cleaning routines is a proactive step towards ensuring every cup of coffee you serve is safe, clean, and delicious.

Maintaining coffee quality

The quality of your coffee is directly linked to the cleanliness of your equipment. Milk and coffee residue build up over time on your machines, compromising the flavour of your brew, and leading to a less-than-stellar cup of coffee. This affects both the quality and consistency of your drinks. Every shot of espresso should be fresh, rich, and full of flavour, living up to the high standards your customers expect.

What’s more, a clean commercial coffee machine shows that your coffee shop pays attention to detail, and is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for your customers. Customers have no shortage of choice when it comes to satisfying their caffeine cravings, so set yourself apart from competitors and give your customers a positive reason to purchase from you.

Embracing the daily grind

Essential daily cleaning routines to boost coffee machine performance

Daily cleaning is vital to ensuring a consistent and high-quality brew. Practicing the right daily cleaning rituals will keep your machine in tip-top shape, ensuring every cup poured is a masterpiece. Here are some day-to-day cleaning practices that will help get you on the right track:

Start with the basics

A good cleaning routine doesn’t have to be complicated; it’s about covering the basics and doing them well. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Clean the group heads: Start by removing the portafilters and give the group heads a good flush. Use a group head brush to scrub away any coffee grounds and oils. Don’t forget to run a water shot through afterward to rinse away any residue.

  2. Backflush the machine: Using a blind filter and a bit of espresso machine cleaner, backflush your machine to clear out any old coffee oils and grounds from the group head. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

  3. Soak the portafilters: Remove the baskets from the portafilters and let them soak in warm water mixed with a bit of espresso machine cleaner. This will help to break down any old coffee oils and ensure a clean, fresh start for the next day.

  4. Wipe down the steam wands: Milk can build up on your steam wands throughout the day, so give them a good wipe with a damp cloth. Don’t forget to purge the steam wand before and after wiping to clear out any milk residue inside. Under no circumstances should you ever soak the steam wands overnight in a jug of water or milk cleaner, this can contaminate the water inside the boiler.

  5. Empty and clean the drip tray: Your drip tray works hard catching any stray coffee or water, so show it some love. Empty it out, give it a rinse, and wipe it down to keep it clean and fresh.

  6. Check the water reservoir: If your machine has a water reservoir, make sure it’s clean and filled with fresh water. If you’re using tap water, consider using a water filter to prevent any scale buildup.

  7. End with a shot of hot water: Run a final water shot through the group head to ensure everything is clean and ready for the next day.

Maintaining your commercial coffee machine is a daily commitment, but it’s one that pays off in spades. Not only does it ensure the longevity of your machine, but it also guarantees that every cup of coffee you serve is a testament to your dedication to quality coffee.

Tackling weekly cleaning tasks

Weekly cleaning tasks and regular maintenance have a big impact on the smooth running of your machine. A regular, thorough clean ensures that every hidden nook and cranny of your machine gets the attention it deserves. This is your chance to clear away any buildup that daily cleaning might have missed, ensuring a fresh start for the week ahead.

Rolling up your sleeves and giving your commercial coffee machine a good scrub once a week is a must. Here are some of the things you’ll need to consider as part of your weekly scheduled cleaning:

Descaling your commercial coffee machine

Descaling is a process that removes calcium deposits, also known as scale, from the internal parts of your coffee machine. The hardness of your water will determine how often you need to descale your machine, but making it a weekly task can contribute significantly to its longevity. Use a descaling solution that is compatible with your machine, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. This process ensures that water can flow freely through the machine, maintaining its efficiency and the quality of your coffee service. Descaling needs vary hugely across the range of machines we supply. Please contact us for advice.

Cleaning the grinder

If your commercial coffee machine comes with a built-in grinder, it’s crucial to keep it clean and well-maintained. Old coffee beans can leave oils and residue behind, affecting the taste of your coffee. Disassemble the grinder parts weekly, clean them thoroughly, and ensure that all coffee grounds are removed from the burrs. Before reassembling, make sure all parts are completely dry to prevent coffee clogging, component rusting, or damage.

Inspecting seals and gaskets

The seals and gaskets in your coffee machine play a crucial role in maintaining pressure during brewing. Regularly inspect these parts for any signs of wear and tear and replace them as needed. This preventive measure helps avoid leaks and ensures that your machine operates at optimal pressure, which is crucial for extracting the perfect shot of espresso.

Lubricating the moving parts of your machine

Some coffee machines, like a traditional espresso machine, may have moving parts that require regular lubrication. Refer to your machine’s manual to identify if this applies to your model and to find the recommended lubricant. Proper lubrication prevents friction, wear, and tear, ensuring that all parts move smoothly and function correctly.

Proactively checking for wear and tear

Use your weekly cleaning routine as an opportunity to thoroughly inspect your coffee machine for any signs of wear and tear. Addressing potential issues early on can prevent more significant problems in the future, saving you time and money. Ensure that all parts are in good condition, and replace any that show signs of degradation.

Testing and calibrating

After cleaning and maintenance, take the time to test and calibrate your machine. Ensure that the water temperature is correct, the pressure settings are accurate, and make any necessary adjustments. This ensures that your machine is ready to deliver perfect hot drinks, week after week.

Tackling these weekly cleaning tasks ensures the longevity and efficiency of your commercial coffee machine. Taking proactive steps to maintain your machine means it will continue to deliver exceptional coffee, day in and day out. If you have any queries, please contact us and one of our engineers will gladly offer the correct advice for your specific machine.

A stitch in time: The benefits of regular maintenance

Maintaining your commercial coffee machine is not just about keeping it clean. Setting up regular maintenance checks ensures your machine stays in prime condition for years to come.

Thinking long-term

Investing time in regular maintenance preserves the integrity of your machine and the unique flavour of your cafés signature brews. It’s also a savvy business strategy because it is the best way to extend the lifespan of your machine, saving you money on potential repairs or replacements.

In fact, many ‘broken’ coffee machines are a result of a lack of cleaning, leading to unnecessary costs and downtime. By caring for your machine, you can prolong its life and ensure it continues to operate at peak performance.

Annual maintenance tasks

  • Professional servicing: At least once a year, schedule a professional maintenance check-up service for your machine. A trained technician can perform a thorough inspection, identify any potential issues, and replace worn-out parts.

  • Update software: If your machine has software, ensure it’s up-to-date. Software updates can improve the performance of your machine and introduce new features.

Seek professional maintenance and repair services

Don’t hesitate to call in the professionals if you notice any unusual noises, leaks, or a drop in performance. Regular maintenance can prevent many issues, but sometimes professional help is needed to ensure your machine stays in top condition. Our engineers are all factory-trained and know your machine inside and out!

By setting a regular maintenance schedule, you ensure that your commercial coffee machine continues to operate at its best, providing delicious coffee, cup after cup. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine, and regular maintenance is the key to a long-lasting, high-performing commercial coffee machine.

Troubleshooting and prevention

Ensuring your commercial coffee machine is always ready to perform at its best requires a keen eye for troubleshooting and a commitment to preventative measures. Let’s delve into how you can identify common issues, implement preventative strategies, and know when it’s time to call in the professionals.

Identifying and troubleshooting common issues

  • The machine is not powering on. First, check the power source, ensuring the machine is properly plugged in and the outlet is functioning. If the issue persists, inspect the machine's circuit breaker or fuse box. Have you checked the main power switch on the machine? Also remember that some espresso machines have a separate switch to energise the heating element!

  • Insufficient water flow: Look out for a weak or slow water flow, which could be due to a clogged water line or filter. Regular cleaning and descaling can prevent this issue.

  • Inconsistent temperature: Ensure the machine's thermostat settings are calibrated correctly. A malfunctioning thermostat or heating element may require professional attention.

  • Leaking or dripping: Inspect all connections, hoses, and seals for signs of damage or wear, and tighten or replace as needed. Ensure a proper seal in the brewing group or portafilter. If in any doubt, turn off the water supply and isolate the machine from power.

  • Grinder malfunctions: For machines with built-in grinders, ensure the grinder is not clogged and the hopper is not overloaded. Clean the grinder thoroughly, and seek professional help if electrical or mechanical issues persist.

  • Poor espresso extraction: Adjust the grind size, ensure even distribution of coffee in the portafilter, ensure the correct weight of coffee is being used and apply the correct tamping pressure. Replace worn-out group gaskets or grinder burrs as needed. Check the cleanliness of your group heads and portafilters, as coffee oil residue can destroy your crema.

  • Steam wand issues: Clean the steam wand thoroughly, inspecting the steam holes on the tip, especially if it’s not producing sufficient steam or has poor pressure. Consult a professional if issues persist after cleaning.

Implementing preventative measures

Preventative measures are key to avoiding breakdowns and ensuring consistent performance. Implement regular cleaning and maintenance schedules for your coffee shop staff. This should include a daily cleaning task list, weekly cleaning and maintenance checklist, monthly maintenance checks, and a scheduled annual or bi-annual professional maintenance service.

Follow the machine model guidelines for maintenance and servicing provided by the manufacturer. Regular maintenance can prevent up to 70% of machine breakdowns, ensuring smooth operations and customer satisfaction.

Understanding common issues and their solutions makes it easier to maintain your machine long-term, and implementing preventative measures can help mitigate issues before they arise, but there may be times when you require professional help.

Timely repairs and professional servicing can help you save costs in the long run, preventing major issues and prolonging the life of your machine. Having these experts on hand to support your team if things go sideways is invaluable. Consider partnering with industry professionals to prevent downtime when these issues arise.

Your coffee machine providers may offer maintenance services, or if you lease your machine, check with your leasing company to see if these services are included in your contract. At Caber Coffee some of our financing options include coffee machine maintenance and repair cover, barista training, machine calibration, and more. If you want a prover who’s always willing to go the extra mile for you, reach out to our team today.

Regular maintenance, timely repairs, and professional assistance when needed will help you maintain the efficiency and longevity of your coffee machine, providing a seamless coffee experience for both you and your patrons.

Crafting the perfect brew

Exploring the elements that contribute to barista-quality coffee.

Ah, the perfect brew – it’s what every coffee lover is searching for and what all cafés aim to provide. But achieving consistently excellent cups of coffee is no small feat. It requires precision, care, and a well-maintained machine.

Machine maintenance

The state of your coffee machine directly impacts the quality of your coffee. A well-maintained machine ensures that water flows smoothly, temperatures are consistent, and all components work in harmony. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of coffee oils and residues, which can lead to bitter and off-tasting coffee.

Proper machine calibration

  • Temperature control: Ensure your machine’s temperature is set correctly. Coffee brewing requires precise temperatures to extract the aromatic coffee bean flavour. Too hot, and you risk burning the coffee; too cool, and you won’t extract enough flavour.

  • Pressure perfection: Check the pump pressure settings on your machine. Proper pressure (min 9bar extraction) ensures that water is pushed through the coffee grounds at the right rate, achieving a balanced extraction.

  • Grind size and tamping: Pay attention to the grind size of your coffee beans. A consistent grind ensures even water distribution during brewing. Ensure you’re tamping with the right amount of pressure to create a smooth, even coffee bed.

  • Regular taste tests: Don’t forget the power of your palate. Regularly taste your coffee and adjust the settings on your machine as needed. What tastes right to you is ultimately the best guide.

The role of water quality and filtration

Water quality and filtration play a hugely important role in coffee brewing. The quality of your water directly impacts the taste of your coffee and the longevity of your machine. Hard water can lead to scale buildup, damaging your machine and affecting the taste of your coffee. Implementing a water filtration system ensures that your machine receives clean, soft water, preventing scale buildup and ensuring the true flavours of your coffee shine through.

Keeping your machine well maintained, calibrating it specifically to the drinks you want to produce, and ensuring you use quality water, will ensure your staff has the necessary tools and setup to produce barista-quality coffee every time. Creating the perfect conditions for brewing allows the flavours and aromas of your coffee to fully develop and shine through in every cup.


So there you have it: a comprehensive guide to commercial coffee machine maintenance. Now, it’s over to you to implement these regular cleaning and maintenance tasks and routines, ensuring your machine is always ready to brew the perfect cup of joe.

Maintaining your commercial coffee machine is both a wise and necessary investment that will prevent the additional cost of potential breakdowns while also maintaining the quality of your cafés coffee service and ensuring customers return day after day to purchase from you.

Fancy taking your coffee game to the next level? Why not explore Caber Coffee’s exquisite range of commercial coffee machines and accessories? We’ve got everything you need to ensure your coffee-brewing journey is smooth, satisfying, and absolutely top-notch.

Check out our collection and find the perfect machine for your company's requirements. Whether you’re a coffee shop owner, a restauranteur looking to upgrade your restaurant's coffee service, or even an office manager who wants to provide quality coffee at the touch of a button for your office staff, we have a number of coffee machine models and financing options available in our range that can help fulfill your coffee-making goals.

Commercial Coffee Machine FAQs

What are the best commercial coffee machines?

The best commercial coffee machines typically come from reputable brands like Bravillor, EGRO Sanremo, and Rancilio, known for their durability, performance, and quality of brew. Consider bean-to-cup coffee machines, traditional espresso machines, fresh brew or filter coffee machines, and instant coffee makers. The choice is yours to make.

How to choose the right coffee machine?

To choose the right coffee machine, consider your business’s volume, the type of coffee you’ll be serving, available space, and your budget. Ensure the machine’s capacity aligns with your daily customer traffic and that it offers the features necessary for your menu. Smaller instant coffee, or filter coffee machines would be more suitable for office use while traditional espresso machines and commercial bean-to-cup coffee machines are better solutions for commercial use. We’re here to help guide your decision.

How much are commercial coffee machines?

Commercial coffee machines can range widely in price, from £1,000 to over £15,000, depending on the brand, features, and capabilities of the machine.

Why are commercial coffee machines expensive?

Commercial coffee machines are expensive due to their advanced technology, durable construction, and ability to withstand high volumes of coffee production while maintaining consistent quality.

Can you buy a commercial coffee machine for home use?

Yes, you can buy a commercial coffee machine for home use if you have the space and budget, but it’s important to consider whether the machine’s high capacity and power requirements are necessary for your personal use.

How do commercial coffee machines work?

These machines work by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee at high pressure, ensuring a quick and even extraction of flavours. They typically include features for steaming milk and may have multiple group heads for brewing several shots at once.

Is it cheaper to lease a commercial coffee machine?

Leasing a commercial coffee machine can be cheaper in the short term and helps avoid a large upfront cost, but it may be more expensive in the long run compared to purchasing the machine outright. Don’t forget that there are tax efficiencies from a lease-rental.

What’s the lifespan of a commercial coffee machine?

The lifespan of these machines can range from 5 to 15 years, depending on the brand, model, levels of use and how well it is maintained.

Can regular cleaning increase the longevity of coffee machines?

Yes, regular cleaning and maintenance play a crucial role in increasing the longevity of coffee machines, preventing buildup and wear, and ensuring the machine operates efficiently.